The Professor has bred.

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Bacon Situation

To update all on my legal status: As of yesterday, there are no outstanding warrants for my arrest, and Officer Pigsman of the Dallas PD has been implicated by an anonymous party (shhhh....) in several acts of an "indecent nature" with animals of a "barnyard nature" and will no longer be roaming the streets with intent to "rob innocent people blind" and spread his "rude 'tude" to the citizens of this "great nation". Hooray! Hi diddly dee! No TX license plates for me.
Thesis Statement and Solemn Promise: I will never again try to post at this incoherent hour.
Supporting Detail: Time for a catnap!!

Electro-Schrock Therapy

You can't fool me with your Russian pseudonyms, Schrock. You elusive bandit, reveal yourself!! (Although not in public, of course. That's illegal.)
Just to let the loyal bayou-lovers know, I'm going to be rocking the Pacific Standard timezone this week and if you are, too? Well, then, a rendezvous is in order.